Spatial Access Trees (SAT)

struct Sat{DT<:SemiMetric,DBT<:AbstractDatabase} <: AbstractSearchIndex
    # parents::Vector{UInt32}
    cov::Vector{Float32} # leafs: ``- d(parent, leaf)``, internal: ``\max \{d(parent, u) | u \in children(parent)\}``

Spatial Access Tree data structure. Please see Sat function for high level constructors

index!(sat::Sat; <kwargs...>)
index!(sat::Sat, ipart::SatInitialPartition; <kwargs...>)
index!(sat::Sat, ipart::RandomInitialPartition; <kwargs...>)

Performs the indexing of the referenced dataset in the tree. It supports limited forms of multithreading, induced by initial partitioning schemes.


  • sat: The metric data structure.
  • ipart: initial partitioning scheme for the tree. It supports the following kinds of objects:
    • SatInitialPartition(): Traditional construction, default value. Each part is a SAT partition and will be processed by a thread on multithreading setups.
    • RandomInitialPartition(nparts=Threads.nthreads(), shuffle=false): construction that divides the dataset (randomly if suffle=true) in nparts disjoint parts. The resulting structure violates the SAT partitioning in a whole and creates a kind of SAT forest that are fine SAT partitions. Useful to limit the height of the tree and for multiprocessing purporses, i.e., each part will be processed by a thread.

Keyword arguments

  • sortsat: The strategy to create the spatial access tree, it heavily depends on the order of elements while it is build. It accepts:
    • RandomSortSat(): children are randomized (default value)
    • ProximalSortSat(): classical approach, near elements are put first.
    • DistalSortSat(): recent approach, distant elements are put first.
  • minleaf: Minimum number of children to perform a spatial access separation (half space partitioning)

SAT orders

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for ProximalSortSat. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for DistalSortSat. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for RandomSortSat. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Approximate similarity search

PruningSat(sat::Sat; factor=0.9)

Creates an approximate similarity sarch index based on sat and aggressive pruning; adapted from the paper A probabilistic spell for the curse of dimensionality (Chavez and Navarro, 2001). It supports auto-tuning via optimize!.

BeamSearchSat(sat::Sat; bsize=8, Δ=1f0)

Creates an approximate similarity sarch index based on sat and aggressive pruning; adapted from the paper A probabilistic spell for the curse of dimensionality (Chavez and Navarro, 2001). It supports auto-tuning via optimize!.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for optimize!. Check Documenter's build log for details.

beamsearch(psat::BeamSearchParSat, i::Integer, res::KnnResult, c::BeamSearchParSatConfig)

Solves a single query, $i$th object, specific solution for allknn_single_search, also used for runconfig.

travelsat(psat::PrunParSat, i::Integer, res::KnnResult, c::PrunParSatConfig)

Solves a single query, $i$th object, specific solution for allknn_single_search, also used for runconfig.
